Sunday, July 14, 2013

Night Tour at the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary

Tasmanian Devil - Gets their name for the horrible sounds they make as they fight over the pieces of wallaby they have just ripped out of your grasp. Seem to prefer a good fight over a good meal. 

Koala Bear - Sleep 20 hours a day, only thing you see them do is yawn and scratch themselves, despite it being 7:30 at night.
 Albino Wallaby - Kinda cute. 
Large Kangaroos - Jump right up to you and will eat the bag of pellets if you aren't paying attention. They live in "mobs" have one head male who boxes his way to the top and the females can put a pregnancy on hold for almost a year. 

Tawny Frogmouth - Often mistaken as owls, hunt at night, bash bugs (and wallaby chunks) against hard objects to kill them. They don't bite hard so when you feed them it's ok if your finger gets in the way of the wallaby bits.  Albino Possum - His name is fidget, will climb on your shoulder to eat his food. He is not shy, he is soft, he looks more lemur than possum. Needs to be in a sanctuary otherwise will be hunted easily without it's camouflage. 

Spotty Quoll - Will remind you of the small dinosaurs from jurassic park because the only thing you usually see of them is the ferns shaking before they leap on their prey (wallaby chunks shoved in the fence). They are distant relatives of the Tassy Devil and will make the same noises when their is food to argue over. 

Black Cockatoo - It even has a little bit of yellow.  White Cockatoo - Has a green mohawk. Is over ninety. Doesn't like men. Named Fred. Offers men a stick to grab through fence then chomps you when you get too close. He offers you a stick, you laugh because you know the trick.

 Potteroo - Very small wallaby, your girlfriend tells you it reminds her of a chinchilla. Incredibily shy, incredibly fast, is a fungivore. It's poop helps the rainforests grow. 
Wombat - Strong. Has hard cartilidge over his rump, coarse fur which is packed with dirt. His name is Ben and he is a teenager which means he bites, as all teenagers do. You give him a good scratch on his back and he seems happy, try and pick him up and he pulls away stronger than your fingers can grasp.

 Bettong - Cousin of the potterroo. They look like identical siblings. Lots of them, most Tasmanians don't know they even exist. 

Sugar Glider - Quasi flying chipmunks. Will dive whole bodied into food dish or hang from any of your body parts to be sure to get their share of the food. They don't fly unless they need to so you don't get to see them do so since all they want to do is eat their breakfast. 

Anne Cooking Tip #5 - Cook too much meat for dinner every night so you have something for soup tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience. As for your new format: I like your old format because you are such a talented writer. Let the creativity flow!
